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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Dissertation....bite me.

Hi everyone I just thought I'd update you all and literally been up for 24 hours (it's 9:13am and I haven't been to bed) I am about to go and hand my dissertation in.

I'm so relived it's over but if I'm honest to myself...I could have done a much better bit of work if I started collecting my data earlier. I am disappointed with it but as long as I get a C or above I will be happy as I have never found a piece of work so hard. I've been physically sick with worry for the last 2 weeks.

I will be writing a post about my experience and give you all some advice (once I've got my grade back - I don't want to give advice on something I'm crap at)!

2 more assignments and 1 exam to go.
8th May and it's all over.....

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on handing your dissertation in, its a great feeling to know it is over. I finish on the 8th May as well, which just so happens to be my birthday,got loads to do before then :(

